Trial Run

Yesterday I got a call from the daycare saying that my youngest, Preston, is having diarrhea and to come pick him up. Preston seems fine, however Ethan is sick. He seems to be a urinary track infection. Last night he started running a fever. So I'm at home with both kids today.

I was thinking that today would be relatively easy because Ethan would just want to lay around and sleep. Boy was I wrong. When Josh left for work I took the boys for a walk before it got to warm outside. So I put both boys in the stroller and headed out. There is a park at the end of our street.When the boys saw the park they both tried jumping out of the stroller. The boys played for about half and hour. Then we came back and had snack time. Then Ethan went and played outside with his numbers putting them in order. Then we had story time. Preston went down for a nap at 10:00 and should be waking up soon. Then we are going to have lunch. Ethan and I read a story and did some workbooks. So I've been letting him watching Leap Frog video as a reward for doing so well in the workbooks.

I can't wait till I get a curriculum so that I have more of a plan of what to do with the kids. So far I have found a couple of out of the box curricula that every month they send you the supplies you need for the art projects and activities for the month. I guess I need to figure out which one I want to try and get it ordered. I only have 13 business days till I'm doing this full time.

I'm also using today to test out a schedule that I've been trying to work out in my head. So far it seems to be working. I'm using the schedule each boy has now as a base and tweaking it to fit our at home needs.
6:30 Wake up (Includes showering and dressing)
7:15 Wake boys (Includes bath time, potty, and dressing)
7:45 Breakfast
8:15 Morning walk (plaryground time)
9:00 Snack time
9:30 Something educational
10:00 Preston's nap time/ Ethan's daily lessons
11:30 Lunch
12:00 Free play
12:30 Ethan's nap time/ Preston's daily lessons
1:30 Preston's 2nd nap time/ Time for me to blog and clean
3:00 all naps over
3:15 play time
4:15 snack time/ start dinner
5:15-5:45 Josh returns from work
There are some of the times that still seem off to me. It is a starting point so we will see what happens when I'm doing this everyday. Once we get the boys enrolled into classes I'm sure it is going to change. Not to mention I'm starting to contact different mother groups so we will see if there is any group that I feel like the boys and I fit with. Plus the reading times at the library. Not to mention time to run around with my mom.
I did hear from his circus teacher and they are opening a facility in September where Ethan can take classes at. Until then we can do private lessons at 75 a class or we can find three other kids in the same age group and start our own weekly classes. Not to mention that I'm going to sign Ethan up for soccer and gymnastics. For gymnastics I'm really thinking about WOGO. They are cheaper then what we are paying through the daycare and they have produced a couple of Olympians. I would guess they have a decent program. ;-)
