The morning was pretty laid back. The boys took apart the fort that I put together yesterday. I figured when they were both down for a nap that I would make something else. Well Ethan went down for his nap with minimal fight. Then I went to but Preston down. Apparently Preston woke up Ethan but I figured they would both fall asleep in a few minutes. I was wrong. Ethan called me to his room because he needed help going poopie. So I rushed to him and got him on the toilet. Turns out he had already gone and when I was taking his underwear off he flicked his foot and flung the underwear across the bathroom. Not only did he hit the wall with the underwear but also managed to step in it when he flung it. It was one hot mess. I got him cleaned up and put him in the bathtub. Figured a good cleaning is always a good plan. Then while the water was filling up in the tub I got the rest of the bathroom cleaned up. Thank goodness Preston was in bed and not getting into the mess.
After he got out of the bath tub he asked if he could play with Play-Doh and it hit me that we didn't give him all of his presents for his birthday. We had forgotten to wrap three Play-Doh sets that we had gotten weeks ago. Josh and I had discussed just holding on to them till Christmas but my thought is if we could remember from a few weeks ago what would make us remember at Christmas? So I got out the new sets of dough for him to play with. Ethan played with the Play-Doh for almost three hours!
While Ethan was in Play-Doh land, Preston and I made a different fort and a boat with the air blox that my mom got Ethan. Then he decided that he wanted to try to be vampire baby so I went on a hunt for his pacifiers but it took me over 20 minutes to find one. Seriously where do these things run off to? For the most part Preston doesn't use one unless he is sleepy or in a biting mood.
We rushed through dinner then headed out because Saturday morning Ethan and I are doing one mile fun run and Josh is doing a 5k. Donations to Wipe Out Kids' Cancer, (WOKC), a non-profit organization founded in 1980 dedicated to funding pediatric cancer research and supporting pediatric cancer patients and their families, would be appreciated. Plan "A" is for me to take Preston in the stroller and chase Ethan during the run. I was starting to think this isn't such a good plan so I'm thinking of investing in one of the backpack leashes.
So we finally got everything together and headed out the door with only one stroller. Ethan wasn't going to leave without a ball which turned out to be a good idea but we would let him have it till we were on the trail. Ethan was going fairly fast kicking the ball and chasing after it. Then we ran into a mom that was on the trail kicking a soccer ball with her two boys. It turns out that her youngest is 3 and named Ethan. Apparently in the other Ethan's class there is two other boys named Ethan. *Sigh* we completely failed at trying two give Ethan a uncommon. Then we let him play in the park as a reward for doing so well in his "training". I think the training was more for me to see if I could go a mile with a stroller and Ethan. It turns out that Josh's race starts 30 minutes after mine. So I think we can finish the mile run in that amount of time because that is a really slow mile. Anyways back to the park there was two other moms. They seemed nice and live just around the corner from us. Maybe we will see them at the park again.
After he got out of the bath tub he asked if he could play with Play-Doh and it hit me that we didn't give him all of his presents for his birthday. We had forgotten to wrap three Play-Doh sets that we had gotten weeks ago. Josh and I had discussed just holding on to them till Christmas but my thought is if we could remember from a few weeks ago what would make us remember at Christmas? So I got out the new sets of dough for him to play with. Ethan played with the Play-Doh for almost three hours!
While Ethan was in Play-Doh land, Preston and I made a different fort and a boat with the air blox that my mom got Ethan. Then he decided that he wanted to try to be vampire baby so I went on a hunt for his pacifiers but it took me over 20 minutes to find one. Seriously where do these things run off to? For the most part Preston doesn't use one unless he is sleepy or in a biting mood.
We rushed through dinner then headed out because Saturday morning Ethan and I are doing one mile fun run and Josh is doing a 5k. Donations to Wipe Out Kids' Cancer, (WOKC), a non-profit organization founded in 1980 dedicated to funding pediatric cancer research and supporting pediatric cancer patients and their families, would be appreciated. Plan "A" is for me to take Preston in the stroller and chase Ethan during the run. I was starting to think this isn't such a good plan so I'm thinking of investing in one of the backpack leashes.
So we finally got everything together and headed out the door with only one stroller. Ethan wasn't going to leave without a ball which turned out to be a good idea but we would let him have it till we were on the trail. Ethan was going fairly fast kicking the ball and chasing after it. Then we ran into a mom that was on the trail kicking a soccer ball with her two boys. It turns out that her youngest is 3 and named Ethan. Apparently in the other Ethan's class there is two other boys named Ethan. *Sigh* we completely failed at trying two give Ethan a uncommon. Then we let him play in the park as a reward for doing so well in his "training". I think the training was more for me to see if I could go a mile with a stroller and Ethan. It turns out that Josh's race starts 30 minutes after mine. So I think we can finish the mile run in that amount of time because that is a really slow mile. Anyways back to the park there was two other moms. They seemed nice and live just around the corner from us. Maybe we will see them at the park again.
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