So we meet up with Ethan's little girl friend from swimming at Tin Star for lunch. After we finished eating the other mom took me to
Color Me Mine. We signed up the kids for a Paint Me Story class. Apparently they read a story then do a ceramic piece that correlates with the story. They had several examples of previous classes. They were so adorable. What I'm exited about is on Mondays they have a mommy and me class. So we might have to check that out one week.
Then we headed to
Sci-Tech discovery center. I was so excited to finally get there. I was actually expecting it to be much larger then what it was. But the kids really enjoyed themselves. The adults all had a great time too. They did a nitrogen demonstration that was really neat but my boys weren't interested so I had to watch from the other room.
Really I didn't beat Dad that hard! |
If anyone knows where I can buy this magnets please let me know. |
Then we all headed for cupcakes at
Dimples. Yummy!! Yummy!! Cupcakes that just melt in your mouth. Since we met up with Ethan's girl friend when he normally goes down for a nap and we were stopping for cupcakes five hours later, Ethan was starting to get cranky because he was so tired. After the cupcake we decided to call it a day and headed home. Both boys feel asleep on the way home. Preston continued to sleep once we got home but Ethan refused to sleep any longer. However Preston didn't sleep long. So we had dinner and the boys were ready for bed.
Tomorrow we are going to start our search for a church family. I really hope to find a place that also has a preschool, a mother's day out program, or both. Then again that isn't the most important part of going to church it would just be nice.
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