I'm starting to think that Monday was a fluke. This morning the boys were really hyper but they were excited when I started to play the school time music. They were all about story time we read Tractors.
It was a book that we already owned but it worked with today's theme so I added it in. Then we did a tractor art project. After the project the boys needed a little free time. So I brought down the little people barn that Isaac and Cherie got Preston for his first birthday and another tractor book that we have that has wheels on it. The boys enjoyed free play till it was lunch time. Preston woke up early from his nap. So I got one of his favorite toys to play with while I finished up my chores for the day. Of course I didn't get everything that I wanted to get done while they were sleeping. After the boys woke up we finished up doing their lessons. I was planning on letting them play outside but we ran out of time before we had to leave for swimming.
The boys were super excited to get to swimming today. There is a girl in Preston's class and she just thinks the world of Preston. She tried to follow us into the changing room and then once we were changed she sat right next to Preston. Poor Preston is so shy he climbed into my lap and buried his head in my shoulder and was being very coy. Ethan was being Ethan. During Ethan's lesson, he had to use the restroom so he was trying to run with his flippers on. I'm starting to think that our routine is getting really predictable because on the way home Ethan kept asking for pizza.
After the boys fell asleep, I went to the grocery store. It was really nice to go without the boys. I can't believe that was a month ago the last time we have been to the grocery store. So I was expecting a pretty pricey trip. However, thanks to
e-mealz.com and
thegrocerygame.com that my bill was only 65.68 my savings were 57.41. I'm extremely jazzed over the 47% I saved. But I was just taking a closer look at my receipt and realized that none of my digital coupons were on it. So I checked my online accounts and discovered that the old number was still what I was loading the digital coupons to. *sigh* I could have saved more. It is corrected so next time I'll save more with
kroger.com and
cellfire.com digital coupons.
Finished tractors |
Diving in |
I can't wait till tomorrow's lesson because we are going to make our own butter.
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