A much better day!

Thank goodness for medications. I'm feeling so much better today still not 100% but much better! The boys had a busy day of playing. Josh picked us up after work and we headed over to Decorators Warehouse. We barely had enough time to do a quick run through but it is somewhere that I'm going back to before I decorate for Christmas next year. We meet my parents at the store then headed on to Campisi's for some yummy pizza.

After the boys went to sleep Josh and I watched Extreme Couponing on TLC. I knew that I wasn't getting the most out of my couponing but I didn't realize how badly I was failing at couponing. Then again I refuse to dumpster dive or order coupons from a service. Really I don't need a stock pile that will last for decades. Just a couple of months till the sale cycles comes around again is fine with me. Then again I've only been going to the store once a month because we either haven't been home or was just busy doing other things. I did pick up some really great tips like the best way to organize the coupon binder. If I could get my shopping to only cost less the ten dollars a week, I'm just thinking how much more room there would be in our monthly budget.

During the day I got an email about where and when the Texas A&M band were practicing this week for the Cotton Bowl. So I emailed Korri to see if that was an adventure she was up for so that look like it is going to be our Thursday adventure.
