Today was all about getting people from point A to point B. First it was getting Josh to work. Then back home to get everything ready for soccer. The original place that I signed up for didn't have enough kids to make a class. There was another location in Frisco that if we went there the classes would make. The other classes were in a part of Frisco that I just have not wandered into yet. Turns out it wasn't actually in Frisco. *sigh* I was looking for a place named Frisco Indoor Sports. Silly me thinking that it was actually in Frisco. Anyways with a little help from Josh I finally found the place.I should take a moment because there has been a little confusion the boys are in a class and not on a team. The soccer class just teaches them the basic of soccer. Then I had to take the stroller, diaper bag, an activity/ snack bag, and my purse not to mention all of our coats, I felt like we were moving in. Of course I was the last one to show up and everyone was waiting for me to get Ethan settled because Preston is in a Mommy and me class. Needless to say, I don't have any pictures or video of Preston's class because trying to keep an eye on Ethan and do the class with Preston was pretty challenging for me. Ethan was a lot better then I thought he was going to be while Preston's class was going on. He sat and colored for a little while then he would just sit and watch. A couple of times he would try to come on the field because he wanted to be in the class, I told him that he would get a turn after Preston's class was over and Preston would have to sit and watch him. Ethan grumbled a little but did sit back down and waited for his turn. Preston was so tired after his class he just sat in the stroller ate his snack and just sat there and would make faces to keep himself awake.
That is Ethan going down the field with a ball. |
I'm not sleepy!! |
Standing up the cones without their hands. |
Peek-a-boo. I'm still awake! |
Showing off his dance moves to stay awake! |
The boys loved their soccer classes. After class, I picked up Josh and Mark and took them to get food. Then it was off to meet my mom at the car dealership because her car is leaking oil and it is under warranty. Took my mom to my grandmother's doctor appointment. Waited in the parking lot till the appointment was over. I drove my grandmother and mom over to where my grandmother is having a doctors appointment tomorrow. Then back to the dealership where my mom picked up a rental car. Finally the boys and I were able to get home after 3:00. When it was time to leave to pick up Josh the boys didn't want to leave again.
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