This morning Josh and I woke up at 4:00. I was freezing! Our heater isn't able to keep the house warm so when we woke up it was 63 degrees inside our home. Then at 7:00ish the power went out for about 15 minutes. Once the power came back on I turned the news on to find out there are rolling blackouts. So every two hours we lost power for about fifteen minutes. The morning we spent taping around windows, doors, and the fire place to try to cut down on the cold drafts that we were having. Our house looked so classy with blue painters tape everywhere and sheets covering the windows.
Our fireplace |
Leaking doors |
The boys snuggling together to stay warm. |
I guess we found a lot of little projects that we are going to have to do after the weather gets warmer.
While we were having lunch the swim school called and said that classes were canceled and they would email us times for the boys to be able to make up the classed they missed today.
The rolling blackouts stopped about lunch time today. This evening after dinner we had a pretend blackout. The boys had such a good time with the flash lights this morning that they wanted to play with them again tonight. So we played flashlight hide and seek.
We were able to get the inside temperature up to 70 degrees, if it drops another ten degrees tonight inside we are at least going to stay in the 60s.
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