We started the morning, running late. Shocking I know. Yet some how we managed to leave only a couple of minutes behind schedule, until I got pulled over driving Josh to work. Ugh. To make matters worse, Preston pulled all of my cards out of my wallet, yesterday, right before we picked up Josh. I just quickly threw all the cards in my purse. This made finding my drivers license and my insurance card quite challenging. I never did find my current insurance card. I was pulled over because my inspection sticker and registration had expired. Did I also mention that I haven't changed my address yet on my drivers license? Needless to say Josh was late to work and Ethan was late for school. I spent the morning trying to take care of things, when I realized I couldn't find my debit card.
At this point, I figured the best use of my time was banging my head against the wall. Okay not really, but that's how I felt as I was trying to locate my debit card and the current insurance cards.

I really don't know what I can do to make the afternoon go a little smoother. Today I fed Preston his lunch, then left to pick up Ethan from school. Preston then fell asleep in the car. Once I woke him up to pick up Ethan, he was wide awake. Once we got home, I finally put Preston in the play yard so I could feed Ethan. Eventually Preston fell asleep but Ethan didn't fall asleep until 2:00. When Ethan got to bed he was super defiant and super cranky. After alot of work, Ethan finally fell sleep.

In the afternoon we played outside.

We had a pretty quiet evening.
