Swimming and allergies!

This morning I went grocery shopping after dropping Ethan off at school. Normally I go on Tuesday but I was busy running Preston around getting his foot looked at. I'm a little upset with myself, I try to only spend 20 a week but this week I didn't eat before I went shopping. I over spent by 1.50 so I guess that isn't to terrible.

After I picked Ethan up from school all he could talk about was he was going to marry a girl in his class and she is going to move in with him. ?? I have no idea where he is getting this idea but he is going to be in a play at the end of the month and I guess there are two characters that are getting married in  the play. I really don't have any idea. He seems to really love his school lately so that is great. Ethan also got the golden egg in music class for being the best behaved student.

In the afternoon there was painting and coloring.

We also had swimming today. Ethan and Preston did great during their classes. The school is encouraging parents to sign up for the summer sessions. Right now they are able to create classes to fit people schedules. Right now they don't the two classes that the boys are going to be in this summer at the same time.
