On the hunt!

Josh was awesome this morning in and let me sleep in. He was very thankful when I finally drug myself out of bed. The boys were dying to go outside. We tried to get the boys to come in and eat lunch but they just wanted to be outside. Josh and I set them up to eat at the picnic table. Needless to say I was slow moving again this morning. The plan was to go to my parent's home like we do every Sunday and stay the night so that Josh can work undisturbed for two days. It was time for the boys naps and I still wasn't close to being ready to walk out the door. My mom decided that she would meet me at the Allen Premium Outlet and I would meet her there. Once the boys woke up then we would continue shopping then head out to my parents. I was able to pick up several bottom and some tops for some killer prices. I was able to score a pair of jeans for $9.99 and several shorts for $15.

By the time we got to my parent's home the boys ate then it was off to bedtime. My mom and I stayed up plotting our shopping trip for the next day and trying to find more coupons.

Once I finally dragged myself to bed, Preston decided that was the perfect time to wake up and to keep me up for the next two hours.
