Around and Around

This morning I drove Josh to work. We were running a little late and Korri was going to be at our home any minute. While we were driving back Korri called to let me know she was running late. We changed our plans to meet at the movie theater. I turned around and headed to the movies. Once I got there I realized my wallet was still in the swimming b ag from yesterday. We headed back home to grab the wallet then back to the movies. Ethan was laughing at me for driving around and not really getting anywhere. You know it is bad when a 3 1/2 year old makes fun of you.

Korri had gotten tickets for Cars 2 while I was driving in circles. Ethan did great during the movie. He was so absorbed into the movie. Preston didn't want to sit still but we were on the second row and nobody was in front of us. He kept standing up and looking between the chairs I think he just needed a better view. Then near the end of the movie Ethan needed to go to the rest room. I ran Ethan to the restroom. We got go back to the theater Preston needed to go. *sigh* Then back to the restroom. Needless to say when I got back the second time the movie was over. The boys had a great time at the movie. It was a cute movie, but I think a better name for the movie would have been Mater the movie. Lighten McQueen wasn't the main character.

While I was checking on movie times for Cars 2, I came across Cinamark's Summer Movie Club house. Different theaters have different movies and dates so we might go a couple more times to the movies this summer. I think next year the boys will enjoy going to the movies more often.

Today is the boys godfather's birthday and we were invited to his birthday dinner. When I first was told that we were going to Bavarian Grill, I wasn't sure how well the boys would do. When we got there the boys fell in love with the place. They loved when the train would come by on the wall. Then the band just played and the boys just started swaying with the music. Before we knew it three hours had passed and the boys weren't ready to leave.

Happy Birthday Mark!

Hope you see the train at the top of the picture.

That's a sausage!
