We started off taking Preston to soccer today. I was nervous about Ethan keeping himself occupied while Preston was in class. Turns out there was a new girl in the class who had an older brother that had to wait too. Actually, I found it funny that all the kids in the class had brothers that had to wait and all the parents came solo today. The coach was awesome and towards the end of the class she let the older boys come and participate.
I was off to meet up with my mom for some more shopping. My mom is on the hunt for some cute brown sandals. We headed to
Firewheel Town Center. We meandered around then I found a couple of tops at Ann Taylor Loft. They were originally $34.50 but were marked down to 19.99. Then they were having a 30% off on top of it. I got two shirts for 30.29. My next stop was at
Carter's. Right now Carter's has a super savings card. For every twenty dollars you spend you get a punch. When you have five punches you save $10 on your next purchase. The best part is on Tuesday (the day I went last week and spent a little over $60) is double punch day. Preston's diaper leaked a little and I didn't have a spare outfit with me. I went running into the store in a panic needed to get something. I saw a sign 50% off new arrivals. I checked it out and found a cute one piece outfit that was on sale for $10.00. I double checked the small print to see what the minimum amount I had to spent to use the card. I only have to spend $10 so score. I figured I would have to pay sales tax but I didn't! This is the first time I save 100%!!!!! Last week when we shopped at Kohl's we had gotten twenty dollars in
Kohl's cash they expire on Sunday. We didn't want them to go to waste. My mom checked out the shoes and didn't find what she was looking for. We were trying to figure out use the coupons on when we walked past a display of beach towels on sale for 10.99. Preston saw a Mickey mouse towel and Ethan was a Lighting McQueen towel. Oh we also had a 15% off coupon! When we checked out the final price for both towels was 1.82. I saved $48.30! I'm so excited about the amount of money I saved today. I'm still in shocked about not paying anything at Carter's I've checked my receipt a couple of times now just to make sure it still says zero.
Tonight was all about swimming. Josh is still working on his side project and couldn't go to class tonight. The boys no longer have class at the exact same time but are staggered by 15 minutes. Ethan's class is first. Preston started a new level today. The best part is I don't have to get into the water anymore. However, I still have to sit on deck of the pool to make sure he doesn't try jumping in when it isn't his turn. I didn't get to see how Ethan did in his class. Preston did awesome while it was his turn to be in the water.
Momma got this for free! |
.91 each |
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