How did this happen?

This morning when I looked at the calender this morning it was completely blank! No classes, no story time, nothing scheduled at all. I gave the boys a couple of options, the boys said they wanted to go to LegoLand. We had some time to waste before Legoland opened so the boys wanted to play outside until it was time to leave. I started getting us ready to leave. We were at the point to start getting shoes on when I remembered the boy needed socks to play in the climbing structure. I hadn't gotten socks because the boys have been wearing sandals. When I got back to the door with the socks, but the boys had started playing again and I couldn't get them interested in putting their shoes on. I figured, why stress myself out trying to get them out the door if they just want to stay home and play.

The boys were so well behaved today, as a reward we took the boys to Chuck E. Cheese's.

Little Tam
