I think my internal clock is seriously broken because today just whizzed by.
This morning at drop off Preston was trying to go into Ethan's class and Ethan was trying to run out of the building. *sigh* Turns out that Ethan wanted to play with the blocks. He asked the teacher if he could play with them and was in heaven when she said yes.
After I picked up Ethan from school we headed to my parents to help my mom do her hair. On the way we made a stop at Boots Burger to meet up with April (a friend from college that just moved back to the Dallas area). It was so awesome to see her after all this time. It felt like the last time I saw her was just a couple of weeks ago.
Then it was time to be a hair stylist for my mom. I have NEVER done my mom's hair before. My mom is a perfectionist so I was really nervous. I was really impressed with myself when I was done. Maybe I missed my true calling.
Then I drove like a mad woman to get the boys to swimming. However Josh still hasn't replaced his lost phone and the last conversation was to meet at swimming. I pulled in with only ten minutes left in class and we still needed to get the boys changed. Lets not mention that Preston still has a nasty sounding cough and I was debating on letting him swim anyways. When Josh meet me at the car I told him lets just blow it off and get some pizza.
Munching on Cheetos while waiting for our burgers. Ethan: Mom you take us to the classy places. |
I love my hair. |
I'm worn out, man! |
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