This day turned out very different than I expected.

Day 4:

I tried for over an hour to get the boys ready to head to the splash park. They were happy playing at home. It is the week of fun and they were having fun. I guess mission accomplished. I put the boys down for a quick nap because today was meet the teachers at Ethan's preschool. Shortly after Preston was asleep the doorbell rang. At first I was annoyed but realized my Mother Goose Time box arrived!

Quick recap:
Mother Goose Time was a lifesaver last year when I decided to start staying at home with the boys. However in January the boys were on the same nap schedule and weren't getting the one on one time they needed to really learn the material since they are at different levels. I was looking for a music class for Ethan when I found the Musical Arts schoolhouse and thought it would be prefect. At that time we stopped doing the Mother Goose Time lessons.

Back to today:
When I picked up the box it was extremely light. I thought the box was empty light. Turns out the supplement products came into. The coolest item my new puppet! I didn't realize when I ordered the puppet that it was Melissa and Doug. I can't believe how much their toys rock. I was a little disappointed that the curriculum hasn't shown up but I know it will be here soon.

Of course I had to use the puppet to wake the boys up. They like the puppet but don't nearly love it as much as I do. When Josh first saw it, he asked if I've ever seen Crank Yankers. (Crank Yankers was a TV show on Comedy Central. That real crank phone calls are reenacted by puppets).

There wasn't much time for the boys to play with the puppet because we had to load up and head to Musical Arts Schoolhouse to meet the teachers. I had meet several of the new teachers when Ethan went to camp a couple of weeks ago but there were a couple of changes. I'm a little concerned because most of Ethan's friends are in a different class. I haven't decided to make a stink about it or not. This year they have stared Kindergarten and I was really impressed with the room. Ethan was very excited to see several of the kids from last year.

After returning home I was hopeful about the boys going back down for their naps but that didn't happen. The evening was just hanging around in the back yard.

Tomorrow (8/19) my mom is undergoing hand surgery so please keep her in your prayers. Especially for a quick recover because just wearing a wrist brace drives her nuts. I can't imagine her handling a cast very well.

Ready, Set, DANCE!!

Ready, Set, Strut your stuff!


Ethan: I won! I won!!
Preston: No, I won too.
Me: um, guys there is only one winner and it was ME!
we can ignore the fact I could have cheated.

I'm a model!

I'm a model. I got a great walk!
(Maybe I should watch America's top model while I blog)

Preston: I can't believe you missed my great turn. Your fired as a fashion photographer.

Preston: This is my catwalk!!

Ethan: I'm just trying to help your walk man.

Today's challenge was a nature pose!

This challenge is so mine!

Ethan's attempt at self photograph.
