I've got nothing.

I have started to write this blog entry about fifty times and it just isn't working.

Highlights of the day:
Thank you notes got delivered at school.
Had a meeting with ECI case manager.
My mom had her cast removed.
Found out that Josh's dad is having a lump in his breast removed on Friday.
Boys had swimming.
I signed the boys up for a modeling contest.

Yep apparently I'm going to be one of those moms. Josh and I have talked about trying to get Ethan into modeling because he loves the camera. I found a modeling for Dallas Child and the modeling agency that is Kim Dawson. Kim Dawson is the biggest modeling agency in the Dallas area. Who knows how the boys are going to do the day of. I guess we will find the day of the contest.

Here are some random pictures of the boys
I make my brother's shin guards look sexy!

I love you this much.

I love you this much!

I'm going to get you.

Kick, kick, kick

Big arms and kicks.

I've got a clown nose.
