This day was kind of all over the place.
I headed to JoAnn's fabric to return some items that I had bought for the cake decorating class that I ended up not needing. I tried to return them after the cake class but the line was to long. Then I tried before and after the sewing class. Last night I wanted to make the icing to start practicing but I didn't have the clear flavorings that I needed.
While I was at the store I found
Wilton Food Writer markers. I had told the boys they could decorate the cookies they helped make yesterday. I figured the markers would be less messy than frosting. I was like score!! Double score because I had a 40% off coupon.
Seriously I need to get more followers so I can get start getting paid for reviews or something.
Anyways. The boys still managed to make a mess with the markers but not nearly as bad as they would with frosting.
Coolest markers ever! |
why color the cookies? I'm just going to eat... |
I love this art project! |
Okay I'll try this awesomeness!!! |
Hey look it works on waffles too. |
Mom did you really just say keep the markers on my food???!! |
Then I took Ethan to soccer open practice at
Frisco Indoor Sports. I miss read the ages for the practice and thought it said ages 3 to 4. I just reread it and it is ages 3 to 7. I though some of those kids looked rather old. Ethan was the smallest kid on the field by far. He actually did really well during the regular practice when they started scrimmaging Ethan just couldn't keep up with the older kids and started getting discouraged and started messing around. The coach was pretty impress especially when he found out that he only turned four a couple of weeks ago. There were kids that were older that were messing around from the minute practice started.
A couple of months ago a friend introduced me to
Elf on a Shelf. I found out a store near by that is selling them. I figured with Ethan's and Preston's lack of listening that maybe the elf could help out. After dinner Josh read the book to the boys. Ethan decided to name the elf Fred Astaire. At first Josh and I weren't sure what exactly Ethan was saying but after bath time, Ethan said he wanted to name the elf Fred Astaire because he is an artist. Then Ethan let me know that he was going to go to bed like a big boy. After I tucked him in Ethan started to list things that he wanted from Santa like one book, more toys, a big doll house (? I don't know where this is coming from), and a bat cave. Then he melted my heart a little when he said that he wanted to ask for a big truck for Preston. I really hope his listening ears start working.
Seriously I need to really figured out how to start getting paid to review things.
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