What is better than one story time? Two!!

This morning I asked what story time Preston wanted to go to. He said the museum. Which means the Sci-Tech discovery center in Frisco. Ethan was upset that he was going to go to school and not to story time. I checked the library's story time and they had a preschool program at noon.

When we arrived at the discovery center there was a school group. Which excited me and also had me concerned. The last time there was a group there were two day cares an the place was really crowded and crazy. I was excited to see that school still take field trips, especially with all the budget crisis that I'm always hearing about.

Once we got inside it was a group of either fifth or sixth graders. They were very well behaved and weren't just screaming and running around like the last group that was there when we were.

Turns out we were the only ones there for story time. Preston loved being the center of attention. Then he wanted to go play.

Cleaning up my mess.

Once we picked up Ethan than it was off to the library for another story time. We ran into one of Ethan's friends from soccer. They moved to a different location for soccer so we hadn't seen each other for a while. 

Then we just had a lazy evening at home.
