Today Josh had to work late, he was so adorable when he was leaving. Josh was worried about me being alone with the boys all day. I wasn't worried this isn't my first rodeo. A year ago I might have freaked but today it wasn't a big deal.
I guess I'm just trying something new from pinterest everyday. Today's experiment was
paint in a bag. Today I didn't even read the directions I just went off of the picture. Maybe I should start reading before doing. Crazy I know. I started off with a quart size Ziplock bag, but quickly decided that was to big and changed it to a sandwich bag. I didn't have 2 cups of paint so I improvised. I used about 2 tablespoons of finger paint. then added 2 tablespoons of flour and a little water. Stirred the contents till it as all the same color and consistency.
Ethan's bag |
Preston's bag |
Tammy the red book next to Preston is the one your blog on Monday came from. |
Since Ethan is back at home during the day I'm doing preschool. Today's art project was a sun. We are discussing sessions of change. Today was all about summer.
We discussed things that you get to do during the summer like swimming in a pond and apparently boating.
The boys driving boats in the pond. |
Ethan deciding to go for a swim. |
Then Ethan declared that it isn't summer anymore it is autumn and we can go camping next to the pond. Then things morphed into a camp out. Complete with toddler sized microwaved smores. Yes I got the idea of microwaving the smores from No I didn't actually read those instructions either so I came up with my own.
One gram cracker, eight small marshmallows, and a fun size Hershey's bar from the kids Halloween candy. |
Microwave for 25 seconds. |
Close and eat... |
Preston feeding Ethan left over marshmallows |
You will eat this marshmallow. |
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