We tried yesterday to head home but we just ended up with so much crap and so little time to get it organized that we decided to stay an extra day to get packed up. Well that was the "A" plan, if you have been following me at all you know 90% my "A" plan is a fail. Today was no different. Josh headed to work with our vehicle loaded up for his first trip of our crap.
While Josh was working, my mom still wanted to check out just one more Dillards to see if they had the tree she was looking for. This Dillards is at Northpark Mall in Dallas. Also in the mall is a train exhibit that is only opened during the Christmas holiday. I've never been but have only heard good things about it. With Preston's love for trains right now Josh and I really wanted to take the kids this year. However there just wasn't anytime on the weekends. The boys were excited when I told them they would get to see trains today.
Once we finally got to the mall we headed straight to the Christmas section at Dillards. They had several of the trees left that my mom wanted. She was able to get one that was still in the box. I found baking dishes and glasses that go with my new Christmas dishes. Then we headed to the trains. The boys were so excited and kept saying "Trains where are you?" I thought Preston's head was going to explode with excitement when we finally got to the trains. Ethan was excited too but he just wanted to push the different buttons. My dad had Preston, I had Ethan. Ethan walked around the the display about three times then he informed me that he was done and wanted to play his games. Preston wasn't ready to leave yet so my dad stuck around for a little longer with him.
The only thing that went faster than planned today was our trip to the mall. My sister and her husband were flying out today and figured there wouldn't be enough time to go back to my parent's home before heading to the airport. They had everything in the van before we went to the mall. With extra time on our hands we headed to
Razzoos. Then it was time for the airport. Tam and Rich had been bugging Ethan that they were going to take him to Chicago with them. The first time they said that Ethan started crying and said that he didn't want to leave his toys. *sigh*. At the airport they were once again saying that they could take them with him and Preston would stay in Texas. Ethan grabbed Preston's hand and said the didn't want to leave his brother. That made my heart melt.
Once we got home my mom and I headed out to a couple of stores to get things like wrapping paper, lights, and ribbon at a great price. My mom and sister had checked out Target yesterday but I was busy with the kids and didn't get to go. They reported back that Target was really picked over and there wasn't anything there. However when I went tonight I checked out the kids clothing and found some great deals on pants and sweaters. Then I headed to the toys and found several toys on clearance for 30% off. Some of the toys I still felt were over priced but I did find a couple that I picked up. Then it was to the Christmas section. I stocked up.
Then it was off to Bed, Bath, and Beyond. The website show they carry my dishes but I failed to realized they don't carry them in the actual store. Oops. I was able to stock up on toys for birthday's and some Christmas gifts for next year. They had a telescope for $15. Then I had a five dollar of $15 so I was able to pick it up for ten dollars. So what if it isn't a great telescope, Ethan is only going to be five years old next Christmas, he doesn't need a great telescope at this point.
Then we got to my parent's home, Josh had already loaded the van up and there wasn't any room for the stuff I just bought. Oops. Actually everything that I had gotten from Christmas didn't get packed not to mention several of the boys' toys. Good thing we are headed over this weekend to help them take Christmas down. I really hope that we don't have more than one trip of stuff left.
The boys were really upset about leaving Nana and Papa's home tonight. They have been having such a great time and getting over spoiled that they didn't want to leave.
I'm just excited that I'm not going to be sleeping on a couch tonight! I can't wait to crawl into my comfy bed.
We want food! |
Trains, where are you?? |
I found the trains. |
I found a button! |
I hear the train but I just don't see it mom. |
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