Sorry for not posting yesterday

The last few days I've had my head in a book. I try to read a little everyday but I'm such a slow reader and I generally just read more that just a few newspaper articles. I have a pile of books sitting on my nightstand and on my book shelves that I haven't gotten to yet. As a rule of thumb I mostly stick to murder mysteries.  On Saturday we were at Costco and I saw "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett. I picked it up and haven't been able to put it down. I actually stayed up till 2:00am reading. My eyes started going crossed eyed and I just couldn't read anymore. The first thing I did was grab the book again. When I got to the end, I was wanting more. I guess I'm just so used to murder mysteries where everything is wrapped up; they find the murder weapon, who did it, and where and the bad person is either dead or in jail. Now I'm even more interested in seeing the movie.

If Kathryn Stockett writes more books I'll defiantly pick it up.

In other news the battery on my phone died so I don't have any new pictures of the boys to post.

This week at Micheal's Wilton KidsTopping Tornado is on sale for $10. Josh and I picked on up. We were going to surprise the boys but they saw it in the van. Oops I guess we really fail at hiding things. Ethan keeps asking me when can they play with the cupcake factory. I told him that if they lay down and go straight to sleep that I could make cupcakes while they are napping then once they are up we could use the Topping Tornado. Preston fussed a little about taking a nap and Ethan kept asking for more books to be read. They went to sleep the fast I've ever seen them go down.
Well crap that didn't work out the way I wanted. A promise is a promise so while they were napping I made up some cupcakes. However I apparently was reading more than making the cupcake because a soon as the last batch came out of the oven both boys were awake. It took me over two hours to mix up the frosting for the cupcakes. The boys weren't really being bad they just were getting into everything and then were trying to help. Some how I managed to keep the boys from spilling the sprinkles all over the place. I think that was a major accomplishment. We only had managed to get two cupcake decorated before Josh arrived from work. I was shocked when it was time for him to leave work that it had already gotten that late. I hadn't even tired to start dinner. Thank goodness he understood and was willing to pick up pizza on the way home.

After dinner, I would frost the cupcakes while Josh helped the boys use the machine to put sprinkles on them. I'm not sure if it is more trouble with the machine or not. Then when Ethan go a hold of the sprinkles he spilled them all over the table. I guess when it come to kids helping decorate cupcakes this machine does keep the mess to minimum. 
