Newsflash! I screwed up again.

I took the boys to the library yesterday expecting to be taking them to story time. I didn't check the calendar and last week was the last story time till June. Oops. Seriously, how do I keep screwing these things up? I really don't know what is wrong with me lately. Oh well the boys were fine and just wanted to get on the computers. They had to share the same computer which made things interesting. I would try to get one looking at books while the other one was on the machine.

Preston saw a book about robots and wanted to look at it. The funny part is that Josh's old employer and their robots were discussed in the book. Of course it had to come home with us. Then Preston found a book about magnets. I'm excited that it looks like we have a future engineer on our hands.

While I was at the Bloggess signing yesterday there were signs saying that they had story time on Friday nights. After I got home last night I checked out all the information. They want the kids to where their pajamas. Josh and I figured that we would surprise the kids with story time at the bookstore. They were so excited. I thought there heads were going to explode when we got into the kid's section and they say all the toys and books. Seriously you would think we don't have a single toy or book in the house they way they were reacting. Preston is going through a phase right now where he will point to everything and say, "I want that." We were watching cartoons and there was an ad for a barbie bike and he went on for thirty minutes that he wanted the barbie bike. Of course the ad was in every commercial break so he would just be about to move on and the stupid commercial would come back on.

I finally got the kids to sit and were waiting for story time to start when one of the workers came over and informed us they decided to cancel tonight's story time because they had another book signing tonight. UGH!!!! I checked the calender last night and double checked the time just before we left. The kids were so heart broken that they didn't get another story time. I'm so mad at my self right now. I really don't know how I keep messing up meet ups with the mom groups that I'm trying to join. Now I can't get story time right. It kills me to see my boys disappointed especially when they didn't do anything wrong.
