This morning I woke up early because I was suppose to leave the house about 7:45am. The boys and I were going to pick up Korri then take DART to the Dallas Zoo. If you take Dart on Mondays or Tuesday then you get $2 off your admission to the zoo.
I just wasn't feeling it this morning and Josh mentioned it was suppose to rain today. I went outside and it looked like the skies were going to open up any minute. A quick call to Korri and we decided to do the Sci-Tech museum instead. When Korri got here the boys only wanted to play outside. We played till we started to feel some drops.
The boys went down for the normal naps. Korri and I started knitting and decided to turn on the TV for a little background noise. I'm glad that we did because an emergency alert came on about Tornadoes in the area. Then we changed to a local channel and it seemed like Dallas and Fort Worth were just getting pounded with tornadoes. I lost count after five, because they kept talking about the ones that had already hit then would talk about current ones.
About ten minutes after the boys actually fell asleep the sirens started going off around us. Korri and I brought the boys back into the living room so we could be near the bathroom in case we needed to take shelter. I tried to get the boys to go back to sleep but that was an epic failure.
Then the news said that there was a confirmed report of rotation near the Dallas North Tollway and the little computer graphic projection put it headed straight over our house. It was time to get into the bathroom. Just a couple of minutes later the sirens stopped. We came out and the storm seemed to kick up but I didn't see any hail and it didn't seem that the storm was that bad near us. At one point we lost our cell reception but the home phone and Wi-Fi were fine. The only reason we have a home phone is so that I can get collection calls for Latisha Rivers debt calls and emergencies. I don't even know the actual number. I was very thankful because I was able to call and let people know that we were fine just our cellphones suck.
For a full news report you can check out
I'm so glad that we didn't go to the zoo because we would have been trying to leave during this storm. I couldn't imagine trying to wait for the train in the rain. Then driving in all of the craziness.
Storm update: Twelve tornadoes. Zero deaths. Lots of damage everywhere.
Ethan trying to figure out the toy I pulled out today. |
Korri chasing the boys. |
Snack time while hiding out from the tornadoes. |
Are the sirens still going?? |
The boys wanted to save the toys. |
This evening was really quite after such a crazy afternoon. Josh finally hung a magaizne rack we had picked up at Ikea. So that I could use an idea that I picked up from
Our reusable bags before. |
The bags in the magazine rack. |
The hooks after. Our swimming bags and the boys art smocks. |
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