Tonight Josh and I took the boys to the Rough Rider baseball game. Preston is a lot more in love with the game than Ethan. Ethan was all about the food. Thank goodness our seats included all we could eat food because as soon as Josh sat down he would get sent back for something else.
Ethan wanted to go to the playground but Preston wasn't ready to go. After a couple of innings Preston decided he wanted to find Ethan. Once we got to the playground Ethan and Josh had already left. Preston didn't care he wanted to play. Preston has no fear and is a little ninja. I was able to convince Preston that we needed to go find Ethan so he was willing to leave but he wanted to go back to the playground. By the time we got back to the play area it was packed. There were several older kids but we were going to let the boys play in the bounce house then head back to our seats. As soon as the boys got their shoes off the boys ran off to the play structure, little toots. Josh was freaking out and I could understand why till we got back to the seats and he reminded me that Ethan had fallen off the play structure on his watch and he was paranoid. Oh, I had completely forgotten about that.
Hey Aunt Monkey. I'm cracking my own nuts!! |
Dad I need more drink. I know you just sat back down but I'm a thirsty boy. |
The boys were getting tire, Okay, Josh and I were getting sleepy. We left the game during the seventh inning. Ethan wanted to know if we were leaving early because he was in trouble. No you aren't in trouble we are just sleepy. He was okay with it as long as he got his bedtime story.
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