This morning when I woke up, I didn't have a plan for the day. That quickly changed. I figured that we haven't been to
Sci-tech Discover Center for
a while, so we should go there. I wanted to get there for story time.
but there was a Tom and Jerry movie on. and the boys weren't going to
leave before that was over. When we finally arrived, a school group was
just leaving. It looked like a tornado had come through. The employees
thought the boys were very helpful, because they helped clean up the
tots area. I was amazed at how quickly the employees were able to put
the center back together.
The boys had a great time while we were there. Then, it was time to head
home and have lunch. When we were leaving, another school group was just
arriving. Man, I’m glad that we were able to be there between the two
we arrived home, it was just starting to sprinkle, and as the boys
napped, the rain just continued to get harder. In the afternoon, I've
been letting the boys run around in the backyard, but that wasn't going
to happen today. While they were napping, I was checking out Pinterest
for some ideas. I figured the boys had their fill of science experiments
for the day, so I needed to find an art project.
I came up with a combo project. First, I found information on
snow paint, but I snazzed it up a little by adding different color paint to the recipe. Then, I found a
masking tape letter coloring project. The boys did a total of seven letters (A through G).
A couple of days ago someone posted this on Facebook, "Mama tip u won't get anywhere else: shot glasses make great juice glasses for two yr olds! Share that mommy bloggers :)"
took that as a personal challenge to first try it out and then blog
about it. At first, I didn't like the idea of giving my kids glass shot
glasses, but I decided to try it. I had some left over disposable shot
cups and figured those would work even better. Josh wanted to know where
in the world I found disposable shot glasses. I told him that they were
in the cabinet. I think they were left over from the co-ed baby shower
we threw before I had Ethan. Josh and I agreed that these were the
best cups for the boys. The only issue was that the boys kept sucking
down their drinks, so Josh and I had to keep running to the fridge to
keep their cups full.
Preston trying out the shot glass during snack time. Nothing but health food here. |
Preston loving the Preston size glass. |
Ethan loving not getting yelled at for not using two hands. |
After dinner, we decided that we wanted to do something with the boys, so we figured that we would try to go to story time at
a Real Bookstore.
For those who were confused by my last post, a Real Bookstore is the
name of the bookstore. The boys seemed to enjoy story time.
Josh helping the boys make Mother's day cards. |
The boys looking for clues with their new magnify glasses. |
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