I don't know that I was thinking when I planned today. Seriously? Story time, Science demonstrations, and a baseball game.
We arrived at the library with time to turn in our books then go upstairs and get inline for story time. Or so I thought. The library ran out of tickets two people in front of me. Ugh. If I hadn't of returned my books first we would have been able to actually go to story time. One of the moms in the mom group that I'm apart of reminded me that there was a meet up today at a near by park and she was going to check it out after story time. I loaded the boys back up and headed to the park. Since I was planning on being inside I wasn't dressed for the heat. When I first pulled into the parking lot I counted at least four different day cares that buses at the park. Thank goodness they were in the splash park or eating and not in the actual playground. The boys were having a great time till another kid threw sand in Preston's eyes. Thank goodness I was able to wash his face in the near by water fountain. He seems fine now.
A quick bite to eat t hen we headed to Willow Bend Mall. Every Thursday the mall is having a some sort of performance. The only reason that I knew about it was a couple of weeks ago when I used the mall's stroller they gave me a brochure about it. I figured there wouldn't be that many people there. I was so wrong!!
I think next week we will arrive a little earlier than right when the program starts. Maybe an hour to two early to get a seat. When the boys were really getting into the science demo, Preston needed to go potty. When he was done the show was over. *sigh* I guess I'm just a dollar short and a day late today.
After naps it was time to head to the baseball game. During the last game Josh promised to get the boys another glove. I had forgotten this promise till the boys reminded me on the way to pick Josh up. Well crap on a stick we are once again running late and now I have to stop at the store. I did a quick run into Target and found the cheapest and smallest glove they had. Then rushed over to pick up Josh. When we were pulling into the parking lot I was starting to question if there was even a game tonight. Then we realized the game didn't actually start for another hour. Oops. At least we weren't late for the game.
Why can't we go in yet?? We are early to something? Huh, I didn't think that was possible. |
Cotton Candy RULES!! |
Seriously mom I'm a teenager, I just look like a four year old. |
Go Rough Riders!! |
I'm trapped please save me! |
What are you doing mom? |
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