I was so glad that we didn't have to rush anywhere this morning. The kids were happy that we could take our time getting ready. Ethan wanted to do an art project. He even got his art smock and put it on. He didn't want to do a "normal" art project in the kitchen but one in his bedroom. Ethan was asking for paint, glue, and tape. I figured that Ethan wouldn't cause to much trouble with a little tape. I have him a roll that was almost empty. Once he ran out out I gave him some post-it notes.
We didn't have to be at the
Discovery Sci-tech center till 10:30 today. It was actually the largest mom group gathering in a while. Then again most the moms had free kid passes from our kids summer reading logs. It was funny once Ethan found out his friend Blake was going to be there, Ethan couldn't get there fast enough. As soon as we got in the door Ethan was off looking for his friend. Apparently, Blake's mom was getting questions like what color shirt does Ethan have on? So Blake would be able to recognize Ethan. A quarter till noon Blake and Ethan kept running between Blake's mom and me to let us know they were hungry and wanted to go eat at McDonald's. Okay boys we can go. I thought their collective heads were going to explode from excitement.
While the boys were napping I got on Pintrest and found some work sheets to help get Ethan ready to go back to school. He just rocked through them and had a blast. He is getting so excited about going back to school. I guess I really need to get on the ball and get him enrolled somewhere.
Ethan working on his "art" project |
Future Amusement park ride engineer! |
Balloons are AWESOME! |
Preston working on being a structural engineer. |
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