First Tuesday!

We have finally looked at the last school on our list. Today's school I had high hopes and was very disappointed. I guess it just didn't live up to the hype that I heard. About half way through the tour, Ethan started asking if we could leave and go to the Dallas Museum of Art (DMA). Yep that was how great the tour was going. I know the point of preschool is to get kids prepared for kindergarten but Ethan is ready for school now. I need something more than just preschool but not quite kindergarten.

The reason that Ethan was asking to go to the DMA was that was our adventure for the day. At the DMA was First Tuesday. The museum is free and has several kid activities from 11:00 till 4:00. We arrived early, people were lining up around the building it almost felt like waiting for Toy R Us to open for Black Friday. Apparently the crowd for this First Tuesday was the largest for the year. It was crazy busy but there were so many different things all going on at the same time that the crowd wasn't overwhelming. Korri came along today and I can't say how thankful am I that she was there. It was really nice to have a second pair of eyes and hands especially when there was an emergency run to the restroom.

The DMA was able to handle the crowd with out an issue. They had plenty of supplies for the art projects, scavenger hunts, and all of the other activities. We missed two of the tours and left before the final family tour of the day. When the scavenger hunt started the boys were boys were over the museum. We decided to head home around 2:00.

Ethan kept himself awake on the way home but was fit to be tied once we got in. There was a complete meltdown because his blanket was missing, but it turned out to be in his bed. Preston fell asleep TWO blocks away from the house. As soon as we got home he was wide a wake. Serious boys?? Ethan finally found a sleep but his head was hanging off the side of his bed. When I tried to put it back in bed Ethan woke and was over his nap. Ugh.

The boys were just joys this evening, only if you consider two whinny, cranking boys fun to be around.
