I'm so glad this week is over, don't get me wrong I had a ton of fun with the kids this week, I'm just worn out.
Apparently we are getting used to having to be somewhere at 9:00, I just hope that once Ethan starts school that we can keep it up. This morning Preston kept saying that he didn't want go to tennis camp today. Great, that mean during class he is going to be a handful. Once we got there he messed around while everyone was warming up. I told him that he could just stay with me on the bleachers. Once it was time to grab the rackets, Preston was ready to be apart of the class. Ethan did great the entire class. He also had a grin from ear to ear the entire time. There is another week of tennis camp that the boys can do. I think that I'm going to sign Ethan back up and let Preston go to the fun club.
At the end of class the boys got a container of tennis balls. You would have thought Ethan had gotten a Olympic gold medal. Now he wants to take his balls everywhere. Yep he had been talking about his balls and Preston's balls all day.
On the way home Ethan says, "Mom, Preston dropped his balls".
Me: um what do you want me to do.
Ethan: Could you pick his balls up and give them back?
Me: Not while I'm driving hunny.
Ethan: But mooom he neeeeds them.
I'm so glad the boys could see my face because I was trying not to crack up.
When we got home, Preston wanted to drive his motorcycle. I pulled out their bikes and motorized vehicles. The boys were having a blast. I realized that we haven't really spent a lot of time in the back yard this summer.
Ethan showing the class his forward swing. |
Preston's turn at the net. |
Preston protecting his balls. |
Ethan releasing his balls. |
Safety first, Preston found a helmet. |
Ethan showing off his mad cycling skills. |
Awe brotherly love. |
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