A little relief.

This morning we hit the floor running. First it was off to Costco. The only thing that was on the list for the party was ring pops. Guess what the only thing Costco didn't have. That is right ring pops. Are you kidding me??? Great now I've got to scramble to find the candy.

Before I can get to stressed about the candy. We headed to Ikea for a quick lunch then pick up four chairs. Apparently everyone was thinking lunch at Ikea as a good plan. We decided to have quickest trip through Ikea ever! Oh my goodness, everyone was just meandering through the store. We were able to quickly find the chairs we wanted. Basically our kitchen chairs didn't match our table. The chairs we had were on sale for $10. The ones that matched our table were $25. We are short four chairs and a pack of four folding chairs are $89 at Wal-Mart. I'm thinking for eleven dollars it is worth buying the chairs that we would use every day vs. things we are going to drag out for special events.

While we were running around, my mom called to let me know that she would be able to watch one of the boys tonight. Sweet. However we are going to a baseball game with Josh's work tonight. He emailed his co-workers to see if anyone needed an extra ticket. Thankfully, someone did. As soon as someone claimed the ticket, my mom called back and told me she could take both kids. Extra sweet! Now we had to find someone to take the other ticket. The funny part was as soon as Josh sent the email saying that he had another ticket for tonight; a coworker had sent an email asking for a ticket. I think they hit send at the same time.

After we dropped off the kids with my parents we started to quest for eye patches and ring pops. Jen told us about a place in Plano called US Toys. It turns out they had both plus a lot more pirate stuff. I think the kids are going to be so excited tomorrow.

Then it was off to the baseball game. This was the first time that Josh and I have been to a Rough Riders game without the kids. It was weird not having to spend time in the playground. Making a million trips to the bathroom. I was able to see parts of the ball field that I never been to. I got to talk to people without being interrupted a million times.
