Last night I was going to coupon at Tom Thumb but I still don't have all of my coupons organized yet. They are much better but I still have work to do. It took me forever to find the right coupons. It was after midnight when I was finally done. Forget it I'll just man up and take the kids in the morning. I had also gotten an email reminder from Groupon that I had a bounce house groupon that is about to expire. I told the kids this morning that if they were great at the grocery store I would take them to a new to us bounce house place. Well I didn't get all my morning chores done till after nine.
Jump Mania only had their preschool open bounce from 10:00 till noon. Well crap I don't have time shop, unload, and get to the bounce place before the open jump is going to be half over.
Then I don't know what ever made me think that it was a good idea to go to the bounce house place first. Eat lunch then go to the grocery store while the kids are normally laying down for their naps. At the time that sounded like the best plan ever.
When we arrived, I doubled checked the calendar because there was only one car in the parking lot. Um, are they opened?? I figured we could check the door. Thank goodness it opened. There was a grandmother and her grandson, one employee, and the husband and wife that own the place. Okay I can deal with this size crowd. There were six bounce houses for everyone and they also have a toddler area that included another bounce house. In total there were seven bounce house. The toddler area also had several things for the kids to play with.
I don't know why people think I'm part monkey? |
Look mom I'm in the lead! |
Okay mom you promise to get me down off the Velcro wall?? |
Mom I'm trying to look cool here and you are cramping my style. |
Air hockey is AWESOME! So much better than a silly bounce house. |
Ethan what am I doing again? |
After lunch I loaded the kids up and took them to the grocery store. Preston was grabbing everything that he could and put it into the basket when I wasn't looking. I had to move him to a different seat so he couldn't reach the shelves anymore. Ethan was having fun with his leap pad. Until it was time to check out. Ethan wouldn't stay in the car part of the cart. Then Preston started trying to climb out of the cart. Oh that is why I normally do my grocery shopping in the middle of the night when the kids are sleep. I was also mentally cursing myself for keeping the kids up past their nap time. Just when I thought I was going to have a meltdown in the middle of the parking lot my phone rings. It was Korri! To ask when I would be home because she was going to bring me a piece of cheesecake from the Cheesecake factory and our friend that ran away and joined the circus. Yep that is right one of our friends from when we lived in Florida, now works for the Cirque Du Soleil's show
KooZa. The show just came into Dallas. After I got home, the kids to bed, and the groceries put away. Korri and Amber came over. It was great visiting. I can't wait getting to spend more time with her over the next month.
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