Not much going on.

Today we did mommy school. I don't have a curriculum right now. I think I have found one that is going to be challenging for Ethan but Preston can also participate in. I'm using several different types of workbooks. In the past I haven't focused on handwriting. I've also have some lessons for the curriculum that I used last year. Not to mention Today's big game was I laid out alphabet cards and made the letter sounds, Preston had to give me the correct letter. For Ethan we had several sight reading flash cards that I laid out.

Tonight Josh had a board's member meeting tonight. I had a million questions when Josh got home. He looked at me and asked if I wanted to be on the board. No, I just want to know what neighbors are deadbeats. Seriously why would you hire a lawyer instead of paying you Home Owners Association (HOA) dues? Isn't the lawyer going to cost more? Just saying? It isn't like you can get out of paying the HOA dues.
