We have been on a marathon trick-or-treating kick. Friday night we headed to
Frisco Fire Safety Town. We we first arrived the people near the door all had chairs and blankets. It is a little sad that people act like trick or treating like a black Friday sale. The kids had a great time. I couldn't believe that half price books and the rotary club were giving books to kids instead of candy. The boys were both able to get winnie the pooh books so they were happy.
On Saturday, We headed to the Frisco Square so the kids could do some more trick or treating. The moms group that I'm involved with had a meet up. It was great to see everyone.
Then we had to head out to my parent's home so we could going trick-or-treating in their square. My boys are spending the night with my parents. So my parents can take them somewhere else to trick-or-treat and I can watch Josh in his triathlon tomorrow.
The boys are still in love with super heroes and this year they wanted to wear the exact same costumes as last year. *sigh* so glad that they got a bunch of new ones for Christmas last year. Preston's costume was from Walgreen's that we paid less than ten dollars for and it is starting to fall apart. Ethan got his as a birthday present last year and wears it at least once a week. There are times he will wear it for days on end. Some how I've kept it from being completely stained but you can tell it has been well worn. I want to wear a sign that says the kids have new costumes they just wouldn't wear them.
A couple of weeks ago Ethan and Preston were watching Transformers rescue bots and Bumble Bee made an appearance. Now Preston is completely in love with Bumble Bee. While we were at my parent's square there was one kid in a Bumble Bee costume, I thought Preston was going to pee himself he was so excited. I asked the mom where she found it and she was nice enough to tell me that she found it at Costco. Really?? Sweet. After Josh and I had a date night dinner of pasta so he could carb up for his race tomorrow. We headed to Costco. They had one left that is a little to big but Preston could still wear it now.
I called my parents to see if they had headed to the other trick-or-treat place yet or if they were at home. Turns out they hadn't left. We rushed back. Preston was just beside himself when I brought the new costume in. Seriously I don't think he would have worn any other costume but this one.
P.S. my mom thought the bumble bee costume was going to be a cute little bug. She was surprised when she saw it.
Looks just like last year's photo. |
Ethan actually put on a new costume. |
Nope back to the old costumes. Hey mom we are over candy. |
Preston loving his new costume. |
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