Good thing I don't put anything off...

Oh wait.

*sigh* The  cake balls that I was originally going to do Friday night finally got done today. Not before our daily dose of drama.

The major reason I have been putting off the cake balls was I needed to get better chocolate from the cake decorating store. We had a terrible time in September with the chocolate. I was going to upgrade to better chocolate but I didn't want to have to take the kids with me. Jen mentioned there was a closer cake place that was much smaller. I figured it would still have a better quality chocolate. When my mom and sister showed up today to help me with the cake balls. I convinced them they wanted to take the boys to the mall and for story time with Santa and I would run to the store.

I figured it was going to take me ten minutes longer than the store time but they wanted to check out a couple of stores so all would be good. Weeeellllll. Not so much. Thank you Apple for changing your maps and taking me through the middle of nowhere instead of using the highways. First it took longer than I originally thought it would. Then the person that helped me in the store was very gabby. The biggest problem was the better chocolate they had didn't come in regular brown. They had all different colors and I didn't want to fool around with trying to mix the colors to get the right shade of brown. They did have the chocolate bits that I needed for the beaks. It was a total waste of time.

The trip back was much faster because I knew where I was and didn't need to use the maps. My trip took over thirty minutes longer than I was expecting. I didn't leave my mom and sister with any toys or snacks to keep the kids entertained while they shopped. Oops.

When I finally arrived we were all cranky and just needed some food in a MAJOR way. Off to the food court we went. Of course, Chick-fil-a had the longest line and that was all my boys wanted to eat. *sigh* At least the line moved quickly.

After lunch we headed back to my home to work on cake balls. Preston napped and Ethan got on my nerves. He wanted to help but I didn't want him to.

My mom:  "why does he get to help with the Christmas cookies and he can't help with these?
Me: "I bring cookie dough for them to play with and they don't actually touch the cookies we eat."
My mom: "Oh, that is right."
My sister: "Well, why don't you have any for him now"
Me: "That would have required more forethought than what I gave this project."

Eventually Ethan got himself completely band from the kitchen. Then he started to roll his toys across the floor so he would need to come and get them. Really kid? Nope those are mine. If you keep this up then they might just end up in the garbage. He takes his trunki and rolls it into the kitchen. My mom and sister thinks it funny that my head is about to explode because they think it was how I would have acted when I was his age. I don't know what Ethan's clothes are going to be in on our up coming trip because he lost his suitcase. If you happen to see us on vacation and Ethan is using a paper bag, don't ask.

We tried the first couple of cake balls they were a complete disaster. I was ready to just throw in the towel. Thank goodness if finally came together. With the help of my sister we figured it out. I think they came out pretty well.

Please say I'm cute.
Gobble, Gobble. We are ready for Thanksgiving.
Then my sister and mom went to leave and my mom's car wouldn't start. Josh tried to jump it but nothing happened. My dad had to come and pick them up and I was left to deal with the tow truck driver when he arrived.
