Why do I even try???

Or, the worst first world trip to see Santa.

Yes, I know I already blogged about taking the boys to see Santa. This was take two. We were able to get a picture of the boys with Santa but I wanted a family picture. The group pictures the first time were really bad that we decided that we had to do a second trip.

Josh took the afternoon off. We figured that the evenings and weekends were going to be a nightmare. We decided to go to another mall. Normally the mall is only fifteen minutes away. We headed out a quarter to four. We didn't arrive to the mall until after 5:00. Really???? It took over an hour to travel 1/2 a mile. The line moved at a snail pace. Of course, the line stopped at us for Santa's 5:30 to 6:00 break. I ran to the food court for dinner before melt downs started.

Of course, Santa was late returning. I looked at Josh and said I guess this is the last time we are getting family photos with Santa. He actually looked at me and asked could it get worst than this. Yes, yes it can because I'm not sure this is worst than the time I was pregnant with Preston and took Ethan without a stroller. Then again that was my bad because it was Christmas Eve and I got there after 6:00.

This time was all issues that I couldn't control.

I figured that we needed some fun after a terrible afternoon/ early evening.  Then we headed to Frisco Fire Safety Town. Right now they have Christmas lights and tons of activities.
