This morning I was woken up to a popping noise. I knew exactly what it was. Dove hunting has started. Last year it sounded like we lived in a war zone. If you want to read about last year you can start
here. This morning when I drove past I wish I had my camera ready. There were several people standing in the middle of an empty field dressed in camouflage. I wanted to shout out my window. I still see you!!! I was more concerned about not speeding in the school zone. Then again harassing a large group of people with guns might not be the best idea.
Shortly after 10:00am I noticed that the popping had stopped. When I drove by on the way to pick up Ethan from school nobody was out there. I guess it got to hot for them, or they got all of the doves, or if they had to get to work but I love that I'm not living in a war zone this year.
When we bought a house inside city limits, having to hear hunters is something that never crossed our minds.
New subject:
When I was dropping off Ethan an other mom hear the teachers welcomed Ethan to class. So she started asking the parents around her if they were Ethan's parent. I took a deep breath and admitted Ethan was mine. Thank goodness she just wanted to know if her older child was able attend the party. Whew. I was worried that Ethan had done something wrong.
Another subject change:
When Josh came home, the boys and I were outside trying to make a super heroes headquarters. The first design I think would be great for the kids at Ethan's birthday party but Preston was able to keep knocking the entire structure down. I guess I'll try to build something else.
The plan last night for tonight was we were going to go to Target to check out the summer clearance sale that is going on right now. While we eating I remember an email that I had received yesterday that Borders bookstores are in their final days. We deiced to go to the bookstore instead of Target. As soon as we walked into the store Ethan wanted to find the comic books. I was shocked that there were so many left. Then Ethan wanted to go to the kids section. I was surprised how picked over the kids books were. On the way to checkout we saw some kids with different super heroes wall decorations. I asked one of the moms and she directed me to the end cap they were on. Score!! These are going to make awesome party decorations. In the check out they had a couple smaller ones as well. Double score!!
Art project time! |
First attempt for Super Hero Headquarters |
This rocks just falls down to easily |
Love the shade |
Mom I don't think this is going to be big enough. |
I love it in here. |
OMG I've turned into a thirteen year old girl! OMG! OMG! |
Don't hate me because I'm beautiful! |
My party is going to rock! |
This is my blue period. |
I want this and I want that! Wow this stroller makes a perfect shopping cart. |
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