Trick-or-Treat round 1

Last year we attempted to go to Frisco's Fire Safety Town for Trick-or-Treating. You can read last year's adventure. To save  time. It was a disaster and we ended up not actually get in to do trick-or-treating. We figured we would try things a LOT different.

While the boys were napping I pulled out the different costumes that Preston could pick from to dress up tonight. We have quite the collection from buying costumes after last year's Halloween, Ethan's hand me downs, and the $5 costume sale. Not to mention other costumes we have gotten on sale from other places. I had Preston look at the different outfits and he wasn't interested in wearing any of them. I told him that he had to wear something. He ran over our dress up bin and pulled out his baseball outfit.  *sigh* Preston wouldn't even hear about wearing anything else.

After we had Preston squared away I started to pick up the costumes and Ethan wasn't happy. He wanted to pick out a costume. Really? Is there any question what he is going to wear. I asked him if he wanted to be Spider-man and the conversation was over. 

First we went to the shuttle location first. We also started our adventure a lot earlier than last year. We arrived before the event actually started and the line was already insane. Josh said they must be giving away gold nuggets to draw a crowd like this. Our rough estimate was at least 3000 to 5000 people showed up. I can see the appeal. The buildings in the fire safety town are opened and the kids go from building to building getting candy. Kids get to trick-or-treat like I did when I was a kid. The parents don't have to worry about checking the candy or who's house they are knocking on. Josh and I are already talking about going back next year.

Preston was funny, anytime anything but candy got put into his pumpkin he would pull out and hand it to either Josh or me. He defiantly knows what he likes and what he doesn't. Ethan didn't care what was being passed out he wanted it into his pumpkin.

The fire department had one of the classrooms set up with the Rangers game playing. It was nice to sit and warm up for a minute. When we finally defrosted (the temp was 53 C which my family from up north is laughing that we needed to thaw out. Please remember it was just a few weeks ago our highs were over 100 C) and wandered back to the festivities the place was just wall to wall people. Josh and I decided that we were done. The boys were upset they didn't get to play on the fire truck. We  assured them that we would be back and they would be able to play. In December they are going to have a festival of lights and they can play then. If you want to check out more about Frisco's Fire Safety Town you can check out their website.

Computer bug, Yoda, skunk, Tin Man(Wizard of Oz), Pablo (Backyardagains), Scarecrow (Wizard of Oz)

I don't want pictures of my cuteness.

Fine you can have a picture just without the hat.

Mom please cut my hair

It is baseball time. (GO RANGERS!!)



trying to keep the boys entertain the boys in line for an hour.

Ring around the rosey?

The line doesn't look that bad.

Oh wait it winds around to over here.

Then over there.

Oh this way too? Can you tell there is a fire truck a head?

Now you can kind of see it.

Finally room for the kids to run around

You aren't seeing double there are two spider men.

These are just two of the several Spider-Men

For walking. I've got wheels.

Ethan: you better wait for me.

Um, where do the pumpkins go?

I'm in the drivers chair.

Hey where are the keys?

Taking a moment to check out our candy.

This is a great start to the last game.
