Preparing for half marathon and an Easter egg hunt.

Maybe one day the day before Josh does an event we will have a calm day. At least it didn't start as early and the traffic wasn't as bad this time as the full marathon in December.

Oh I also need to mention that the knitting class that I took yesterday is actually a today class but because Josh failed to give me the date of the half marathon until after I had paid for the class. Thank goodness my friend Korri is also taking the class so she can just fill me in on what I've missed. Then again the teachers are awesome and I'm sure if I show up during the next open house that someone will be able to help me finish the project.

At 7:30 the boys came in and bounced on Josh and me. Wait Josh was suppose to have left at 6:15 to meet his running group for the last meeting before the half marathon tomorrow. Oops. Turns out that he turned his alarm off at some point. It was time to start moving because we had a lot to do today. First it we had to head to the Dallas Convention Center for Josh to pick up his race package. I'm glad that we got there early because the Dallas Auto Show was going on at the Convention Center too. We arrived about 9:45 and things weren't to bad but when we were leaving the place was starting to get crowded.

Then it was back home for a quick lunch and for me to do some packing. Josh and I are going to be staying in a hotel near the start line and the boys are going to be at my parent's home.

Once again we ran out of the house at least this time we are actually ahead of schedule. How in the world did that happen?? We going to arrive at the Easter Egg hunt almost thirty minutes before it even started. So I suggested a quick stop at the library that is across the street from the event (I had a book on hold). We were still a couple of minutes early but everything was set up and there were lines starting to form at some of the bounce houses. Added bonus was that there was plenty of parking close. Josh ended up chasing Preston around and I was trying to keep up with Ethan. At one point he saw the tennis net and wanted to check that out. He feel in love with hitting the ball over the net with the racket. I guess we are going to be trying tennis lessons this summer. Then he had to find Preston to get him to try it too. Ethan ended up standing in line to play tennis four times. We were finally able to get him to check out some of the other things because I saw a table with Legos. They have a robotics lego class for four-year-olds.  Um, yep, I think I see a robotics class in Ethan's summer too.

Then the kids started asking for water. We found some vending machines but they were sold out. Josh found the concessions but the line was insanely long. Then I noticed a gas station that wasn't to far away, but we felt the boys needed to stay in the shade and try to cool down a little bit. After a few minutes then I noticed that people were starting to stake out spots around the fields. Ethan and Preston were suppose to be at different fields but I was afraid that Josh wasn't going to get back in time to find us then get Preston over to his field. Josh did get back in time but we figured it was fine for Preston to be at the three and four year old field. Preston is going to be three in just a few weeks. Actually I think I'm glad that Preston was on the three year old field because he ended up with more eggs then Ethan.

I don't think there are enough eggs for everyone.

The boys were done and ready to head home once they had their eggs.  I had told my mom that the boys would be bathed before they went to her house so she didn't have to do it tonight. Then again I wasn't expecting the temperature to be in the mid-80s today. (I haven't watched the news in a few days). I think even if I hadn't of told my mom they boys would be clean that I would have given them a bath after the egg hunt anyways.

Then we loaded the boys up and headed to my parent's home. Josh and I expected them to fall asleep during the car ride but we were wrong. At one point I taught the boys the quite game. Preston couldn't stop laughing so he failed at the game but Ethan beat me a couple of times.

Ethan couldn't get Josh and I out of my parents home fast enough. At least Preston halfheartedly acted like he didn't want us to leave.

We got checked into hotel another clothing change. Then it was off to the banquet for the runners. They had a cancer survivor speak. But the hardest part was, one of the honored heroes in Josh's group lost his battle with cancer two weeks ago. Tomorrow his team is going to be wearing a picture of twelve year old Noah. His family that is running in memory of him kept getting choked up during the dinner.

Good luck to everyone running in the Rock and Roll half marathon in Dallas. Go Team!!

The view from the room

Josh ready for his run tomorrow
