Another shopping trip with my mom.

Today's trip was better. I didn't feel like we were going to get kicked out of anywhere.

Preston was cracking me up. I was going through the boys clothing section and all the sudden Preston yells at me to stop.

Preston: "Momma, STOP!! I just found something!"

Me: What are you doing? (looking to see what is going on)

Preston was going through a clothing rack and pulls out a pair of red pants that are in his size.

Preston: Look mom, they are perfect.

At least I'm doing something right because it was off of the clearance rack.

Then he saw some toys on the clearance rack that one of his friends would love and we couldn't leave the store without a Christmas present for his friend.

Then we continued on to some other stores. Then at one point I locked my keys in my car. Yes again. Thank goodness it was right by where Josh works. It wasn't nearly as inconvenient as last time. Now my mom has a spare key in her purse now.
