A lazy Saturday.

When we woke up this morning a cold front had moved in. We just wanted to snuggle under blankets and relax. Josh brought home donuts after his run this morning. We just spend the morning playing in the house. In the afternoon Josh took the boys outside to finally get to have enough space to roll round. We also took out our normal outside box of balls. Yep there were balls all over the yard.

I figured out why I haven't really been up to taking the kids and running around lately. It seems that my iron is low. I had some beef and am starting to feel human again.

Sugar coma

Preston: What are you looking at mom? Haven't you seen guys on tablets before?

Josh wanted the boys to walk on his back.

However he turned into the best thing ever to jump off of.

Ethan: Best game ever!

Those aren't my legs

Who knew that there was enough room for all three boys to get inside one ball.

Traffic jam

That ball is ALIVE!!
