I'll give it a try.

Lesson learned: When Ethan starts babbling about being okay or having a complete meltdown over nothing that means it is time to rush to the restroom. 

So I was suppose to go the grocery store yesterday but the time I got organized to go it was already 11:00pm. I decided that I would go in the morning. So after I dropped Josh off, the boys and I headed to the store. I won't say that it was an epic failure but it wasn't good. First I left one of my list at home. Then Ethan needed to go potty. I did get him to the restroom and his pants off before he started. Preston kept trying to get in to the puddle or in my purse. I gave up on shopping after all of that. So I got all of the fruit and vegetables that we needed that was it. So I'm going to have to go back .

Once we got home I was still stressed but I was trying to have circle time. Eventually I gave up and let them go play in the play room. After about 30 minutes I tried again and this time it was a lot better. Then we all sat and colored. Okay Preston kept trying to eat the crayons but he did make a few marks on his paper.

Then it was nap time for Preston and Ethan's play-doh time. Preston work up after 45 minutes. Then we all come back down and since Ethan had been doing so well with the potty training he was allowed to watch TV. However, in the first ten minutes of the show Ethan had an accident. So the TV was off again.

Lunch time, I swear my kids don't have normal taste buds because they love salads. Since I didn't have a chance to get lunch stuff this morning I made them a salad and they were just in heaven.

Ethan's nap time and Preston wanted to take a nap too. So I was more then happy to let him lay down. The boys wanted to make this play time so I let it go on for about 30 minutes then I made them separate. Ethan had a complete meltdown. When I checked on him he had another accident. *sigh* In total it took them an hour to actually fall asleep. Ethan had another accident while he was sleeping.

After the we picked up Josh then it was round two at the grocery store. The plan "A" was that Josh was going to take one boy and I was going to take the other. Once we got there the boys wanted to stay together. So Josh took the boys and apparently they were rough housing the entire time. Over all we got $127.40 worth of groceries for $81.79 thanks to the Grocery Game and E-mealz. I'm hoping that after I actually have my stock pile that the food bill will dramatically drop.
