
Lesson learned: It doesn't matter if you have the best curriculum if you aren't actually using it.

Last week I slacked off on pushing the preschool stuff. So this week I'm going to have to double up the lessons to get caught back up. The kids seem pretty tried from the weekend. We did circle time then headed outside. I got the toys out of the shed and it looks like whatever was in there before is back. There are several holes in the floor now. I guess we are going to have to completely redo the floor in the shed. Preston was really cranky so I put him down thirty minutes for his morning nap. He was in a much better mood when he got up. I mention to Josh about how tired Preston was and he informed me that Preston actually woke up several times the night before.

The afternoon was fairly calm. I was able to get Ethan down for his nap with minimal issues. Then Preston and I cleaned up the play room. Then it was time for Preston's nap time. I continued getting stuff done around the house while the boys were out. Then we finished their lessons up after nap time. Josh got home and we headed to the grocery store. We saved 33% of our bill So I was pretty excited. They changed how they list the digital coupons on the receipt so at first I thought they didn't use them but after closer inspection they discount them in line a list it as a manufacture coupon.

Then it was bed time for the boys. Preston slept for about an hour before we woke up. So we were starting think that he might be teething. So I gave him some medicine and gave him a drink. Then he went back out.  An hour and half later he was up again. This time he seemed to be having trouble breathing. That is when we realized that he was congested. We were finally able to get him to go to sleep and stay asleep about 2:00am.
