
So the daily theme is sheep, but first a run to story time at the mall.

I don't know if Ethan just not interested with the story time at the mall or if he was just having an off day but he just wasn't interested in listening to the stories, or coloring. He did want to play at the train table but he didn't want to share. So we left before they handed out the cookies. Then Ethan was behaving during lunch till he decided that he was done and wanted to run around. Then we went to the play area in the mall. On the way there was Santa looking really bored. The boys were dress cute. and there wasn't a line and Ethan was all about seeing Santa.
I'm thinking that we are going to have to visit Santa again. Then the boys went and played in the play area. Preston was running around and then he saw me and came over and just wanted to be held. He was very happy when I put him in the stroller so he could just chill. Ethan ran by and I got a whiff of something. That was when I discovered that Ethan had an accident. So we all headed home. The boys took naps while Korri and I visited. The afternoon was spent doing lessons. The boys weren't interested doing the art project today so I'll just save it for another time.

I don't know why but when 7:00 came it felt like it should have been 8:00 but we still had an hour before the boys went to bed. That last hour it was like they were super hyper boys. 
