I'm a very morbid person!

Our vacation actually started today the only thing we did was drive. While we were on the road we saw a group of vans that stuck out. There were three silver mini vans then three white passenger vans. The main reason they stuck out was they were in the far left lane going 60mph while the speed limit was 70. When we passed them I noticed a camera crew in the front passenger seat in all the minivans. I told Josh bet they are filling a reality show. He just verbal patted my head with a sure honey but I heard whatever you are insane not every time you see a camera means there is a reality show being filmed. A short time later we stopped to get a snack and use the restroom. When we were leaving the vans full of people were out front getting their directions. Because when you are at a bakery you really need to be told to order something sweet to eat and have a good time, right? Whoo hoo I was right! So I got to do my I'm right dance for Josh!

A little later the traffic just stopped the next thing I know there are cops, ambulances, and a fire truck came flying up on the shoulder. I made Josh take pictures so I could rubber neck in private later, bonus I get to share with you!

Hey look we are behind the Griswolds!

Josh entertaining us by explaining how bunnies attack!
My mistake Josh said it was a longhorn and aggie

Ethan really bothered by the traffic

Blood and guts coming up!

Ooh it is going to be good

Okay the guy was wake and talking to the emergency workers.
The paramedics were putting him in a neck brace before removing the driver from the truck
Later traffic slowed down again. It was another accident! Yep more pictures by Josh! After the second accident Josh asked if we lived during the gladiators I would totally go the coliseum. You but I would, I would try to get front row so I could see the blood and guts better.
This was the only picture that turned out from the second accident
Preston being bothered by the traffic
