Private vs. public school.

This Sunday is Dallas Private School Preview. A couple of years ago Josh and I attended this preview when it was hosted at Greenhill. What is nice about the preview is that there are several schools in one location. I'm not going to be running all over town checking out places.

We love the preschool that Ethan is attending. It is perfect for him. However we don't think that it is going to be a good fit for Preston.  Preston doesn't like being the center of attention that Ethan does. I'm afraid that he wouldn't want to perform on stage and end up just crying on the side of the stage.

If we can find a school that teaches the Tools of the Mind curriculum we are sold. It is very similar to the Montessori schools but the main difference is learning through play. From all the research we have done we believe that would be a prefect fit for Preston. Now it just comes down to finding a preschool that teaches it. An added bonus would be if it would be close to where we live.
