Happy Easter!

This morning the boys were so excited to find the eggs the Easter bunny had left. I was shocked that Ethan was so aggressive. Then again there were tons of eggs to go around. The boys were cracking me up because they would pick up one or two eggs then move on but there would still be at least tens eggs left. They had to keep going back over to the same areas.

Yummy jelly beans

Candy and money what could be better?

Oh wow!

A new game. sweeeet!
We headed to church then off to my parent's home. My parents wanted to have pictures of the boys in their Easter outfits.
This is how we roll.


Silly faces

That was so funny!

He is trying to strangle me!!!!

This is as good as it gets

I love my brother

*sigh* Boys win no more pictures.
I thought that I had the basket moved where I could keep an eye on them while were eating dinner. The boys ate before us and weren't interested in eating. Or so I thought. Preston was being a ninja and kept sneaking candy for him and Ethan.

Needless to say the boys were bouncing off the walls because of all sugar and they were also afraid if  they stopped moving they would fall asleep.
