Another relaxing day.

Today I tried out a homeschooling group. The activity was gymnastics. This morning I busted butt trying to get school down before it was time to leave. The kids had other plans. When it was time to stop school and get ready to head out the only things we had covered was phonics and handwriting. I was about to head out the door when I couldn't find my keys. Oh, crap. I forgot that last night I had left them in the car. Josh had to come home from work  to unlock it. Great now I'm running late, talk about making a great first impression. Then I got a text saying that the other members were going to be late too.

Apparently, the owners of this gym home schooled their kids. That is why they have home school gymnastics twice a week. It was completely crazy when we first go there. The boys were excited about this new class. The first thirty minutes was stretching and group activities. Then they broke the kids out into smaller groups. Where they did an hour of gymnastics. The last thirty minutes was open gym. The kids loved every minute of it. They are asking to start going twice a week. I love that it is a drop in class and that we don't have to pay unless we go.

 Then I was thinking, with Ethan doing cirque class three hours a week and gymnastics for four hours, he really should be really amazing when he has his first performance.
