Our Date NIGHT!!

This morning Josh had his bike ride with his tri-team. I started my morning off with three boys. Thank goodness my boys were so worn out they barely wiggled. When the other boy's parents came to pick him up they asked if he actually slept or kept my kids up. He was to excited watching the fish light that Ethan has. I told him that if he didn't lay down the fishes would have to go to sleep. I think he was to afraid to move or make noise. Every time I checked on him he was just laying there watching the fish. Josh had crash on the couch. I sent him up to sleep on the floor in the boys room. I don't know what it is but Josh's snoring can knock anyone out. Less than five minutes later our guest was sound a sleep.

I hope my boys behave tonight while they are at Cherie's house.

I'm excited about not having to rush our Valentine's date tonight. We belong to a wine club and silly me keep forgetting to have them deliver the wine. We figured tonight would be a great night to pick it up. Then we had dinner in downtown McKinney. It was really yummy. Then we figured we would go to a R rated movie. It didn't matter if it was good or not. We knew that kids wouldn't be there and that is all that mattered. However, the next round of movies didn't start for another hour and half or later. Ugh. Okay Redbox here we come. Ugh. We didn't find anything in three different Redboxes. Okay On Demand please don't fail me. It sucked that we were home by 8:00. Really?? So much for our big exciting date night.
