Getting used to the new school year.

While I was gone from my blog, one thing I failed to mention yesterday was that I started selling Avon. I wasn't going to really try to push this campaign. Last week was all about the last week of summer before school started this week. This week was all about adjusting to the new schedule. Then I asked a couple of people if they wanted anything and they did. This morning was all about getting my order ready to submit.

Then I had lunch with Josh. I feel so blessed that Josh and I can have these lunch dates. Yes we have our baby with us. He is normally asleep or just being adorable. It is nice to be able to have uninterrupted adult conversations.

In the afternoon, I volunteered at my kids' school. My youngest son saw me. While I was talking to his teacher in the hallway. He walked out of the class and was packing up his stuff to go. It took  his teacher and I asked him what he was doing. Preston responded that his mom was here. His teacher told him that I wasn't there to pick him up yet, but I was helping her. He just shrugged his shoulders and went back into the classroom. Three seconds it was like I had never showed up.

Then after school we headed to martial arts. Yes, a year later we are still doing martial arts three times a week. Actually Josh has joined too. Josh just started two months ago and only does class once a week. Preston has moved up to the same class as Ethan. Preston is a orange belt. Ethan is a blue belt and is scheduled to belt test for his purple belt tomorrow.

I'm really surprised how well the boys have been handling the new schedule. I figured Preston would be falling asleep on the couch every afternoon, so far he hasn't. The boys have been doing well in school. Ethan brought home a bunch of papers already. Wow they don't mess around about getting the kids into the swing of things around here.
