Trying to cut back

Apparently, I have an issue telling people NO. Well, that isn't really true. I say no all the time especially to my kids when they are asking for things that they will never touch again once they get home. If you come to me with a hey do you mind helping out? Sure, what do you need? Seems to be what falls out of my mouth every single time.
Thank goodness I have a planner to write everything down in to keep track. Oh, wait I forgot to write the millions of things that are coming up. UGH!!! This week has been busy with me running the kids around everywhere. I have got back to being on the PTA as the Environmental Coordinator.  There was  PTA meeting this week and an Adopt-A-Street clean up on the same day. Finish setting up a really cool field trip for Preston's STEM Scouts Lab.  Getting the paperwork ready for Ben's Kindergarten round up ready. 😦 I can't believe my youngest is about to start school in a few months.
